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    81865gme download 500

    Name: 81865gme download 500
    Category: Download
    Published: zlatexbive1983
    Language: English
























    The criminal tribunal acquits Gen. Menon, milliards upon induifry. [ HO ] a yard of cloth 3000, a bufliel of potatoes bers; of a council of ancients 250; of an for foreign affairs, and for finances. The five members of the executive direc- the French, enters upon its office. It is fo great, that a pair of Ihoes cofts 300 livres, THE new legiflature, or fourth aflendbly oF tory are. La Reveillere, le Paux, la Tour- The depreciation of affignats is at this time executive directory of 5 members ; and of dles and of foap 80 livres each j a louis-d'or The legiflative body is employed in difcuf- coffee and of fugar 175, a pound of can- deputies of the national convention. bellion of the fe£lions. neur, Carnot, Rewbell, and Barras; all ex- fufpefted of having taken part in the re- milliards on the landed property, and two 120, a pound of bread 40, a pound of convention, which impofed a tax of fix compofed of a legiflative body of 500 mem- fmg a decree pafTed in the laft fitting of the for the war, for juftice, for the admiralty, 6 minifters, viz. for the interior departm.ent,




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